Vet Ed 2017 Liverpool

Vet Ed 2017 is being hosted at the University of Liverpool on the 6th - 7th July 2017, with a pre-conference workshop on 5th July 2017.
The annual Veterinary Education Symposium – VetEd – was established by a group of enthusiastic veterinary educators working in vet schools in the UK and Europe. The symposium takes place over two days during the summer. It rotates around the schools and aims to be an economical way for veterinary educators to share ideas and innovations for teaching undergraduate and postgraduate vets.
It is proposed for 2017 that institutions teaching veterinary nursing will be additionally targeted as an opportunity to grow the network of delegates to attend.
The symposium has a friendly and inviting atmosphere. Invited keynote speakers are intended to be informative and stimulating. There are no short communications but instead posters and workshops are invited. All posters are presented in a group session, as well as being displayed throughout the conference. Workshops are intended to be interactive and cover a wide variety of topics.
The Conference is an excellent networking platform for members and provides a wonderful opportunity for Vet Ed to raise its own profile with members, as well as others within academic learning. The University of Liverpool veterinary symposium committee will endeavour to maximise the outcomes from the conference and it is a great honour for us to host this event.
In addition to the University hosting the Vet Ed 2017 Conference, the City of Liverpool will, as always, provide a truly friendly welcome to delegates.